Thursday 10 September 2015

16 Workplace Safety Tips for Youthful Workers

16 Workplace Safety Tips for Workers

By Bethany
Employers, first time and seasonal workers and their parents, need to be very aware of SAFETY in the workplace.  Employers because poor workplace safety can effect workers’ compensation costs.  Youthful workers and parents so they know their rights, responsibilities, questions to ask and signs to look for to insure personal safety.

Did you know young workers experience more injuries during July and August than at any other time, with more than half occur in four industry sectors:

service industry, construction and building retail stores manufacturingThe most common injuries are to hands, backs, legs and eyes.Let’s look at the 16 Tips designed to help new, young and seasonal workers have a safe summer job experience.

These are your RIGHTS

To know about existing hazards and how to do any task safely. To participate in your company’s safety and health activities. To refuse unsafe work.


Always report any hazards you notice to a supervisor. Use all equipment properly, in accordance with safe operating procedures. Never remove a protective guard or safety switch. It is against the law. You are responsible to properly wear the protective gear required.


There is no such thing as a dumb question Asking a little question could save your life. As a new worker, you may even notice existing hazards others have missed (workersxzcompxzkit) Always ask your supervisor or an experienced worker if you are not certain of the safest way to do something, or if a situation looks unsafe. Never be afraid to ask if unsure … it may save you or others from serious injury or death.

SIGNS of an Unsafe Workplace

Other employees are getting injured on the job.You work without direct supervision. You have not been properly trained. Equipment is unguarded or broken. Chemical containers are not labeled. Shortcuts are used to save time.

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