Thursday 10 September 2015

16 Workplace Safety Tips for Youthful Workers

16 Workplace Safety Tips for Workers

By Bethany
Employers, first time and seasonal workers and their parents, need to be very aware of SAFETY in the workplace.  Employers because poor workplace safety can effect workers’ compensation costs.  Youthful workers and parents so they know their rights, responsibilities, questions to ask and signs to look for to insure personal safety.

Did you know young workers experience more injuries during July and August than at any other time, with more than half occur in four industry sectors:

service industry, construction and building retail stores manufacturingThe most common injuries are to hands, backs, legs and eyes.Let’s look at the 16 Tips designed to help new, young and seasonal workers have a safe summer job experience.

These are your RIGHTS

To know about existing hazards and how to do any task safely. To participate in your company’s safety and health activities. To refuse unsafe work.


Always report any hazards you notice to a supervisor. Use all equipment properly, in accordance with safe operating procedures. Never remove a protective guard or safety switch. It is against the law. You are responsible to properly wear the protective gear required.


There is no such thing as a dumb question Asking a little question could save your life. As a new worker, you may even notice existing hazards others have missed (workersxzcompxzkit) Always ask your supervisor or an experienced worker if you are not certain of the safest way to do something, or if a situation looks unsafe. Never be afraid to ask if unsure … it may save you or others from serious injury or death.

SIGNS of an Unsafe Workplace

Other employees are getting injured on the job.You work without direct supervision. You have not been properly trained. Equipment is unguarded or broken. Chemical containers are not labeled. Shortcuts are used to save time.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Workplace Safety Tips

Workplace Safety Tips To Promote Safety In The Office

Hi bethany here...Accidents happen in the office, not as frequent compared to the shop floor maybe but when it does, it is just as serious. Tripping, slipping, and falling ranks second to automobile accidents nationwide. Well okay it did not all happen in the office. Accidents of this nature happening in the office are a big part of incidences though. The good part is that most of these are prevented from happening with a few simple tools and reminders.

Workplace Safety

Keep the walkway clear.
Boxes and bundles, cables, wires and items carelessly piled are tripping hazards. Most times, these are just oops events, other times they are not.

Look before you sit.
Incidents of someone missing the seat often promote silent giggles but this actually could happen to anyone who would not take the time to reach for the chair before sitting down. Leaning back on the chair could end with your back to the floor. This is common to people who are thinking or are trying to reach something, misjudging balance. The person may pick himself or herself up as quietly as possible with nothing serious but an injured ego, sometimes though it does not end up as happily.

Even with all the computerization in the office, filing cabinets are still in much use.
Nothing very wrong here except that filing cabinets are heavy. Opening all drawers of the cabinet at the same time tips the balance of the cabinet towards you. Likewise, leaving a drawer open is a bump waiting to happen.

Don’t read while walking.
No one saved impressive time by reading while walking, yet this is a very common practice dumb and true. If you have to read while walking, be sure that no one is doing the same thing that you do. If you must, do not walk into the direction of the coffee station.

Don’t carry anything higher than your eye level.
Carrying loads higher than the eye level impresses no one. See how people refuse to walk towards you?

Do not run, relax.
Running may save a few seconds, after that you will take a breather for several minutes more.

Refrain from putting anything atop cabinets.
Cabinet drawers are for storing supplies. The top of the drawers is not.

Use the handrails.
Stairway handrails have its reason for being. Use it. People who do not use the handrail tire easy.

Use the elevator whenever necessary.
When carrying loads, wait for the elevator. The stairs are not worth the extra calories that you will burn.

Watch where you step.
Smooth surfaces are not always safe surfaces to step on especially in darkened aisles. Water could be dripping. Be safe. As they used to say, watch your step, this is truer when there is poor lighting.Don’t eat at your workstation and in front of your computer.
Eating in the workplace saves time. Be sure though that it is not done near computers and other electrical equipment. Accidents caused by water must be avoided at all cost.

Other simple measures that are taken that could go a long way in promoting workplace safety is reporting unsafe conditions, loose steps, burned out lights, defective equipment, overloaded sockets, hay caramba! The list is long. The benefits though are immense.

Electron Beam Welding (EBW)

Electron Beam Welding (EBW) is a high energy fusion welding process that which uses an intense, narrow beam of electrons.

Electron Beam Welding
Utilizing high voltage, the electrons are accelerated to between 1/3 and 3/4 of the speed of light creating a highly concentrated energy beam. This narrow beam can be used to create deeply penetrating, narrow welds between metal parts having intimate fit up.

Unlike other fusion welding processes, EB welding, permits the joining of similar and dissimilar metals and materials without the risk of contamination from oxygen or nitrogen.

Nu-Tech Precision Metals Joining Technology Division provides high vacuum Electron Beam Welding services to the Aerospace, Military, Offshore Drilling, Mining, Chemical, Manufacturing and Nuclear industries.

Key advantages of electron beam welding include:

  • Repeatable, high quality welds
  • Ability to weld foil to heavy sections
  • High welding speeds resulting in high production rates and reduced costs
  • Welding of joints which are inaccessable by other welding processes
  • Allows welding close to heat sensitive components
  • Freedom from weld contamination by oxides or nitrides
  • Minimum distortion and shrinkage
  • Welding of hardened or cold worked materials often without significantly affecting the mechanical properties of the weld zone
  • Minimal thermal damage to surrounding material
  • Deep, narrow welds with minimum heat input
  • Producing very narrow heat affected zones resulting in little or no thermal damage
  • Permits welding of refractory and reactive materials and combinations of many dissimilar metals that otherwise could not be joined using other welding methods

This metal joining technology uses an intense narrow beam of accelerated electrons to fuse metals and dissimilar materials together in a vacuum sealed chamber, producing welds of the highest quality with extreme precision and speed.

The vacuum sealed chamber creates an environment of purity by eliminating any atmospheric contaminates. This enables the joining of materials that would be otherwise difficult to weld. High penetration welds can be performed in a single pass with minimal heat input, which reduces the amount of distortion of joined components.

Our Canadian Electron Beam Weld facility offers prototype construction as well as custom-designed fixturing to suit consistent, cost-efficient, high production.

Among the materials most commonly joined by our Electron Beam Welding process are Beryllium Copper, Copper, Aluminum, Hastelloy, Carbon Steel and it's alloys, Stainless Steels of all types, Titanium, Tantalum, Molybdenum, Nickel alloys, Hafnium, Niobium and Zircaloy.

Contact us now by visit our site here to learn more about how our Advanced and Electron Beam Welding services can work for you.

A Path To Creative Freedom Using DIY Creations And Die Cuts

Hello crafters! Today, my wife, Bethany and I would like to briefly discuss some of the conversations some crafters and DIY-ers have been talking about regarding the benefits of doing your own crafts, die cuts, envelope making and card creations!  Some of our friends have called  DIY creations as a “pathway to freedom.” I asked our crafting friends what exactly they meant when they described a pathway to freedom by way of DIY crafts.  

How they explained it to us is exactly how Bethany and I will relate it back to all of you, and it is simply this: In this time of economic insecurity, we crafters and DIY-ers have found a way to not depend on any particular government or particular corporation to make any of the wonderful creations we have  made.  We depend on YOU for our sales and the love and appreciation of the recipients of the gifts we create simply out of love.  

When DIY creations are explained like that, I totally “get it,” and feel so blessed to be a part of one of the fastest growing industry around the world. Bethany and I have had conversations with people from Brazil, Turkey and the Dominican Republic just this week! And that doesn’t include our friends from the US.  So, friends, it’s never too late to start a DIY creation, we have all of the tools and accessories that you need to get started as inexpensive as we could possibly make it! Thank you so much for reading friends, and as always…

However, what stands out to us is the ability to share this creation in multiple ways. First, you are creating something as “sweet” as the cookie that you are placing in the package. To create an easy to make craft that holds one of your favorite recipes will go a long way to impress the recipient of whomever you feel is worthy of the effort! And, speaking of effort, there really isn’t much of that!  How this tasty morsel was created was first they cut craft colored parchment paper with the Treat Bag die. 

They made it look out-doors-ie with a more of a handmade look by stitching the bag together along the sides. Followed by Sweet Thing Printing Plate surrounded by a circle from the Posy Printing Plate and black Letterpress Ink to letterpress a “sweet” sentiment onto the bag. And just at the end, they used the Tape It Kit to cut a pennant out of the polka dot sheet in the black Shape ‘N Tape pack to finish off the creation!  And no cookie bag is EVER finished without a home made cookie, placed ever so yummy inside!

Secondly, one of the things I love most about this industry and the people who are a part of it, is the freedom of information and ideas that are shared amongst the most seasoned crafters and die cutters to the novice or first timer who has little to no idea of how to even use a die cutting machine or scrapbooking accessories.  

People are ready and waiting on blogs, websites, and stores to share all of their secrets to their most ingenius creations–just like the one at the top of this article! So, what are you waiting for????  Start crafting, sharing and giving! You will be glad you did…it truly enriches the soul…and not just yours.  

Beautiful Heart Designs Using Die Cuts

Thank you so much for reading friends!  All of the products can be found on our website at a discounted price!  Our sale lasts until midnight tomorrow, so get your supplies while they last! Have a wonderful weekend friends, and as always…

My husband, Chris and I have heard that teachers (especially primary school teachers) love to spend time with their students around this time of the year doing crafting activities with the kiddos surrounding Valentine’s Day! A Lifestyle Crafts’ Heart Garland would be the perfect activity for the kids, and a great party activity as well, if teaching is not your profession. When we say this creation is so easy to create, we really are not making this up!! All you have to do is use your favorite die cutting machine, and in  few minutes after rolling our heart punches die through it, you have a set or roll of beautiful red and pink hearts that you can string up anywhere you please!  

The kids will love this activity because it centers on the holiday theme of the season–Valentine’s Day, and your guests will love the professional looking shape of the hearts and ask you where you had them made–hehe! Happy Valentine’s Day friends, and remember, no matter what or how you choose to celebrate the holiday, you will never go wrong when you create it yourself!